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Niño de 10 años visita todos los fines de semana refugio de perros para leerles libros

Evan comparte las aventuras con sus amigos de cuatro patas en su Instagram.

Miércoles 5 de febrero de 2020

Lejos de la maldad, los niños están llenos de amor y buenos sentimientos. Solo quieren ayudar al prójimo sea como sea. Eso fue lo que justamente hizo nuestro siguiente protagonista.

Con 10 años, Evan pasa sus fines de semana leyéndole libros a los perros sin hogar del Centro de Cuidado de Animales de la ciudad de Nueva York, en Estados Unidos. Se preocupa de que vivan en un ambiente cálido y que sientan amor a pesar de no tener un dueño. Todo un ejemplo a seguir.

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Greystone is one those really big marshmallows. His size could be intimidating and he's still young and learning so much about himself everyday. He is 2 years old and about 83 lbs - of nothing but LOVE. I read to Greystone on Thursday and Saturday. I wanted to stay with him because he looked like he needed me. After a while, people walked through and I heard some of the things they said to him and about him. This one kid yelled at him to sit… and he sat, but I didn't think that it was right to yell at him. I heard things like "OMG, he's big and scary looking!". So I decided to stop reading to him and start talking to him. I told him he was a good boy and he was beautiful and that I loved him - and I don't know, but I think he heard me. He seemed like he was listening. A few moments later some transport volunteers came in asking about him. I decided that I would tell them all the good things - He's a really big marshmallow that needs a little guidance and some boundaries. He's a good listener and he's got a lot of love to give if you give him the chance. Less than an hour later I got the news that he was pulled by Amsterdog Rescue and he was in foster. Amsterdog was nice enough to send us an update saying that Greystone has been adjusting really well in his new home and he is an amazing dog - Just like I suspected. Greystone made a really big impact on me because I saw firsthand how people judge and discriminate against a breed based on size, appearance and color and that just wasn't fair. He also made me realize just how much I appreciate the opportunity to work with shelter pets and try to help change their lives just by being their friend, giving them attention and showing them love. We are all on this mission to save them all - but here is a reminder to us all - It is important to first be KIND to the animals, BE HONEST when filling out applications for and posting about these precious friends and, My motto is to KEEP IT POSITIVE - because I know they've been through a lot so far and I wish only Happy Tails for them all!

Una publicación compartida de Evan B (@eb_and_the_pets) el


Comparte esta hermosa experiencia a través de su Instagram, donde publica tiernas fotos y videos de sus amigos de cuatro patas. El mismo niño comentó en su red social lo feliz que se siente cada vez que realiza esta acción, la que realiza para amenizar la espera de los cachorros. "Se ponen en la parte delantera de la perrera y terminan acurrucados en sus camas roncando. Eso me alegra porque puedo decir que están asustados y estresados. A veces traigo juguetes para los perros que les leo como recompensa por ser oyentes, ¡pero termino dándoles juguetes a casi todos!", comentó.

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When my mom first told me back in August that I was going to be reading to shelter animals @nycacc I was excited because I was going to be working with dogs and this has been something that I've been wanting to do. I did not know what to expect from my experience and I am still learning. Romeo(68984) was the first dog I read to and he was an absolute pleasure. I remember being drawn to him because he was sitting quietly in the back of his cage and I assumed he was scared. As I read to him his ears just perked up and he came to the front to listen. I couldn't believe how cute and sweet he was and at that point I realized how important my job was to make these dogs feel more comfortable when they spend most of their time in uncertainty. As I visited the shelter week after week I learned to take my time and try to understand what they were going through. I learned that I am not going to get through to every dog, but it's not a fail. I think it's more important to know that I gave them my time and I was their friend for the day. As I got to know some of these animals and their stories I found that it is hard to hear... and see the things that they've been through. I wanted them to know that I was there to help them conquer their past fears and traumas and that someone is on their side even if it was just to soothe them for a brief moment. It was a moment they didn't have to worry or be nervous and that means everything to them. This season is a time of year that we are especially filled with light and joy, but I am realizing how many animals don't get to be a part of a loving family and how long some of them have been sitting alone in their kennels without someone to love them. Life is precious and time is something we cannot get back - if you can give your time to an animal in need this season (volunteer/foster...even better, Adopt), you would be amazed at how instantly you impact their world. Featured here is flashback to Romeo - one of my first furry friends. He is still looking for a furever home.

Una publicación compartida de Evan B (@eb_and_the_pets) el


"La experiencia más gratificante es cuando trato de ayudar específicamente a un perro en riesgo y puedo ver casi de inmediato el impacto y cómo reaccionan cuando les leo. Comienzan a calmarse, y algunos incluso se quedan dormidos", relata en uno de sus posteos.


En el futuro, Evan quiere crear su propio refugio para seguir con esta noble iniciativa. Cree que es una especie de terapia para los canes, quienes solo quieren ser adoptados por una familia que los pueda amar. Sin duda, deberían existir más pequeños como él.